Emmaus is a Destination…
Emmaus was a town about seven miles from Jerusalem. Shortly after the resurrection of Jesus, two disciples were making the journey to Emmaus. All at once, the resurrected Christ joined them on the journey, at first they didn’t realize who it was, but on the walk He opened the scriptures to them, revealing from the Old Testament why he had to suffer, die, and be raised to life. This story is an apt description of Emmaus Christian Church. We are people on a journey. We have not arrived, we are not perfect, but we seek to do three things as we walk to Emmaus. We seek to walk with Jesus, in Community, while following His Word. Those are the three distinctive traits that we seek to exhibit as we walk this road. We hope you will join us!
Statement of Faith:
At Emmaus, “We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error the original manuscripts, and in all that it teaches. Scripture is our supreme and final authority for all matters of Christian life and belief.” ECC Statement of Faith.
We are located at:
1801 Huguenot Trail
Powhatan Va. 23139
(804) 378.3607
Worship Service: 10 AM