The Sunday worship service begins at 10AM. The atmosphere is casual and the content is Christ focused. We sing songs as part of our worship of the Lord. You will hear a mixture of old hymns, early contemporary, and modern contemporary music styles. The music is contemporary in style.  Our goal is to sing songs that will broaden our view of God, grow our knowledge of God, and deepen our affections for God. While singing is a part of worship, we also consider our fellowship, hearing the word preached, giving of tithes and offerings, receiving communion, sharing prayer requests as well as living our daily lives to the glory of God all aspects of our worship. Sunday gatherings are meant to be a once a week representation of what goes on all the other days of the week in our personal lives.

The sermons most often are exposition of a particular book of the Bible. Here and there we will address a particular topic in a series, but they are always based on the exposition of scripture. We believe that as we study His word and apply it to our lives, we will see fruit that will outlast any large program, flashy production, or charismatic personality. We believe that is how we will be best equipped to live for God’s glory, and share His Good News to all those we meet. Typically we are finished with our service around 11:30.

There are three classes for children. We have a nursery that runs the entire service for infants through two years old. We also have a preschool class that runs the entire service as well for two and three year olds. After the singing potion of the service is over, we have a class for four year olds through fourth grade. We have some phenomenal teachers in our children classes. they love the Lord, and are eager to teach His truth to the next generation in ways that are fun, and engaging.  All of our teacher’s and helpers have been background checked and trained in our code of conduct. You are welcome to keep your children with you in the service as well.